
Series - Made Easy with JavaScript - Objects

Welcome to series Made easy with JavaScript. In this series we will be exploring some quick and efficient methods to do day to day operations in JavaScript. This post will explore on the most used operations/actions on objects and how efficient it can be in real-world. read more...


Series - Made Easy with JavaScript - Array

Welcome to series Made easy with JavaScript. In this series we will be exploring some quick and efficient methods to do day to day operations in JavaScript. We will start with arrays. Everyday we are doing various operations like appending, checking element, inserting, sorting, etc.., to process data in our web application. In this post we will be exploring the best ways to do these operations. read more...


High Performance JavaScript

In JavaScript, we can do the same thing in more than one way and its a good thing(mostly!)., even though some ways are not recommended, JavaScript has it. The only reason for such parts in JavaScript is, fixing it will break all those web application built using those bad parts. read more...


Fixing JavaScript Date API with Temporal

JavaScript Date API is broken since its inception. JavaScript is the language with combination of both good and bad decisions. One of such bad decision and implemention is Date API, we cannot fix the existing Date API without breaking more than half of the internet read more...


Understanding JavaScript - Web Workers

Browser JavaScript is Single Threaded,So the basic assumption is that we can't process huge data in JavaScript in Parallel with normal DOM Oprerations, Unfortunately this is just an assumption, we can make browser to execute scripts parallely on Browser read more...