Browser JavaScript is Single Threaded,So the basic assumption is that we can't process huge data in JavaScript in Parallel with normal DOM Oprerations, Unfortunately this is just an assumption, we can make browser to execute scripts parallely on Browser read more...
This is the second part of our series on Understanding Node JS Child Process. We will be seeing about execFile and fork method of child process in read more...
Node JS runs on Single Thread. So the basic assumption is that Node can't handle more than huge API calls or huge data processing at a given point of time, this is a myth. Node JS allows us to take advantage of complete hardware for better performance, cluster read more...
Streams are collections of data like strings or objects or arrays. The main difference between streams and other format is that, streams need not to have all available data at once and doesn’t have to fit in memory. This read more...
Modularity is a first class concept in Node JS. There are two core modules involved in modularity, the require function, which is available on the global object, but each module gets its own require function, and read more...